
歡迎來到Alpha ASD Center,愛得法ASD中心!


Welcome to the Alpha ASD Center

A place designed specifically for children with special needs and their families. Our goal is to ultimately prepare our children to attend regular kindergartens and elementary schools.


· 提供特殊需要兒童高質量、全面性、全人化的教學與支持。

· 積極改善特殊孩子與家庭的生活。

· 強調有意義、具功能性的技能學習。

· 基於孩子的強項與需求、家庭的偏好與挑戰,提供個性化教學與支持設置。

· 確保孩子能積極並有意義地參與家庭與社區活動。

Our teaching team are devoted to:

· Provide high-quality, multi-domains, and whole-child instruction and support to children with special needs;

· Actively improve the quality of life for families of children with special needs;

· Target meaningful and functional skill learning;

· Provide specifically designed instruction and individualized support based on children’s strength and needs, as well as families’ preferences and challenges;

· Ensure children’s positive and meaningful participation of family and community activities.


本著研究與教學結合的創新理念,為滿足早期干預的各種需求,於2021 年在北京創立我們的第一家Alpha ASD Center。我們彙聚了強大的教師團隊,將與家庭、社區共同架設一套有理想、有抱負、有希望的特殊教育學前服務。 更多家的Alpha ASD Center 正在依照規劃設立中。


Rooted in the innovative concept of combination of research and teaching, and of the needs for early interventions, the first Alpha ASD Center was established in Beijing, China in 2021. We manage to build up one of the strongest teaching team and intend to inaugurate an early childhood special education service, completed with ideal, cause, and hope. More Alpha ASD centers are planning to be deployed.


我們的徽章,既呈現一棵大樹,象徵著孩子的成長與茁壯,更意象著一群孩子手牽手,齊行並進、相親相愛。我們的綠,是充滿生命力的顏彩。但即便是綠色,也有千千萬萬種不同的光譜,象徵著每一個孩子,都可以擁有他(她)特殊的、獨一無二的美麗。把每個孩子每個家庭視為獨一無二的珍寶,這是Alpha ASD Center 堅實的基本信念。


A big green tree symbolizes our commitment to our children and families at our services. The big tree represents the resilient and strong life of our children; the crossing branches are the joined hands of them to work together and love each other. We pick the color green with different tones, which means the vitalization and diversity. We hope to make every unique child thrive, as every one of them is treasured and cherished by their family. Our belief is as strong as the trunk of a big tree, and as pure as the fresh green, and so is our promise to the parents and the children.


Alpha ASD Center責無旁貸,努力樹立典範成為同業的領頭羊。 以數據指導決策,以研究領導教學,以關懷引導專業,是Alpha中心的发展信念。Alpha中心不止提供課程與教導,更著重陪伴特殊孩子與家庭一起成長。


Alpha ASD Center takes the responsibility to set an example as leader of our field. Data-driven decisions, research-led instruction, and care-oriented professionalism are our core development beliefs. We provide not only coursework and instruction, but also companionshipwith our children and their families.


Alpha ASD Center 追求不斷的進步與學習,對內給予老師們賦能以增進學校的自我成長;對外提供最優質的服務給需要的孩子與家庭。


Alpha ASD Center seeks continuous progress and improvement. We will empower teachers and enable a self-learning organization of the future. We will provide best quality service for the children in need and their families.

學校價值觀 / 欣賞、支持、發展

ASD 不僅是自閉症譜系障礙的簡稱,更是欣賞(Appreciate)、支持(Support)、发展(Develop)三個關鍵價值的代稱。 在Alpha ASD center,我們欣賞孩子的特殊之處,支持孩子的弱項,发展孩子的優勢,使用科學的方法,珍愛每一個家庭!


ASD do not only stand for Autism Spectrum Disorder, but they are chosen by Alpha ASD Center as initials of our values: Appreciate, Support, and Develop, used as action verbs. We Appreciate the uniqueness of every child, Support to improve his weaknesses, and Develop his/her advantages. We love and cherish every family – in a scientific way!

教師團隊理念 / 尊重、科學、奉獻

ASD 不僅是自閉症譜系障礙的簡稱,更是尊重(Admiration)、科學(Science)、奉獻(Devotion)三個關鍵理念的代稱。在Alpha ASD Center,我們團隊彼此尊重也尊重家長與孩子,我們使用科學指導教學決策,並且奉獻自己給學校以及每一個家庭的每個孩子。

Team Beliefs

ASD do not only stand for Autism Spectrum Disorder, but they are chosen by Alpha ASD Center as initials of our values: Appreciate, Support, and Develop, used as action verbs. We Appreciate the uniqueness of every child, Support to improve his weaknesses, and Develop his/her advantages. We love and cherish every family – in a scientific way!