
ALPHA診所/中心擁有全北京乃至全國均是頂尖的康復師團隊。23位持證行爲分析師(7名BCBA和16名BCaBA)以及9名持證TBA全部參與一線教學、帶領數十位一線臨牀經驗平均達到8年的康復師組成干預治療團隊,嚴格基於循證科學,體系性地提供 ESLs–增進社交與語言能力(Enhancement of Social and Language skills,ESLs)課程體系,通過全面提升特殊發育兒童的言語、社交、認知、自理等全方位的能力,降低和減少其刻板、重複性的不適應行爲,大幅度提升特殊發育兒童的生存技能與交往能力,使其最大可能的在幼兒園、學校等自然環境中接受自然的融合教育。
平均工作資歷: 8年 碩士
平均一線時長: 超過8000小時 7人
持證教師 持證BCBA 持證BCaBA 持證TBA
7人 16人 9人
Alpha ASD Center operates with the strongest teaching team in Beijing and arguably better than any team in China. This very experienced team has an average length of 8 years on the job, equivalent to more than 8000 hours of intervention per teacher. We have 7 masters in our team. We are the best of the best teaching teams among early intervention institutes in China in both experience and credentials. This is how Alpha ASD Center is capable of providing the best education to the children and the superb service to the parents. Since Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is considered the most effective and evidence-based approach for ASD intervention and rehabilitation, we at Alpha ASD Center are dedicated to this by hiring the best staff certified by Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), the certification board with the highest prestige in the world. BACB issues different levels of certificates including Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral Level (BCBA-D), BCBA (regular behavior analyst), BCaBA (assistant behavior analyst), and RBT (behavior technician), and it ensures the quality through highly professional training and long hours of supervised practicum. In China where certified behavior analysts are still low in number, Alpha ASD Center manages to run a team of 23 board certified professionals, including 7 BCBA, and 16 BCaBA out of whole teacher team.The addition of 9 other TBAs has made the institution’s teaching capabilities even more powerful.


Alpha ASD Center 校長

M. Ed., BCBA


Introductions to Teachers

Mr. Derek Liu, Principal, M. Ed.,BCBA Mr. Derick Liu was once a proud white-collar star in high-tech communication industry, but his true fortune only took place when his wife gave birth to two beautiful twin daughters with ASD. Mr. Liu had given up his career as engineer, co-founded ALSOLIFE institute, led an early intervention institute of Heart Alliance, and now he co-founds Alpha ASD Center and serves as the principal. Without love, he would never had done any of these. It started from his love to his angels, and they inspired him to love other parents and all the families who have the same experiences in China. His devotion and passion keep warm of everyone’s heart around him.  Mr. Liu is a true educator and proud parent of ASD children.

管理團隊 / Management Team

督導團隊 / Supervision Team

教师團隊 / Teaching Team